Susanne One Love


“We don’t heal in isolation, but in community.”
― S. Kelley Harrell

Whats Happening?

Susanne One Love

Joyous, infinite being, dancing and contributing, receiving, knowing, being and facilitating connections between the Earth, your infinite being, and the universes, through Myofascial release and Access Bars and Body Processes

ACCESS BARS SESSIONS: Gentle touch to 32 points on your head producing a profound sense of relaxation and peace 

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE™: Gentle hands on body work facilitating the release of the mind-body-myofascial-complex restrictions, originating from stress injury and trauma, allowing self correction of the body and mind toward alignment, and releasing of constrictions, allowing total healing of trauma and restrictions

Hi, I’m S☀️L

Susanne One Love sitting on a rock at the beach

Pronounced as Soul like the sun in Espanol!

Welcome to my website,

Thank you for dropping by!

I have been a seeker and contributor all my life- my earliest memory is from the age of 7 when I recall feeling very sad and confused and not knowing why- thus beginning of my path of Discovery

What is Access Bars®

Welcome to the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you may have never heard of… Access Bars®

The Reviews are in…


“I enjoyed the session. It gave me a chance to relax & experience something new. I learned it’s good to just ask yourself questions but not need the answers right away. Just ask. Certain points on the head  represented different subjects. The area on aging really struck a chord & encouraged me to look at that more. It was a great opportunity to be introspective. Thanks!”
