
Access Bars®

Access Bars are 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and easily release the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations that stop you from creating a life you love.

Access Bars are used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, wellness practitioners, schools, businesses, mental health professionals, athletes, prisons, veterans, artists, and many more.

Myofascial Release

Gentle hands on body work facilitating the release of the mind-body-myofascial-complex restrictions, originating from stress injury and trauma, allowing self correction of the body and mind toward alignment, and releasing of constrictions, allowing total healing of trauma and restrictions

Questions to Consider

Inspired by Gary Douglas, and Dr. Dain Heer

Instead of asking

“What’s wrong with me?”


“What’s right with me I’m not getting?”

Instead of asking

“Could it get any worse?”


“How does it get any better than this?”

Instead of deciding

“Nothing is going to change here”


“What else is possible that I’ve never considered?”

Posing a question provides insights into potential outcomes and the various paths available to you. When you actively search for a solution, you aim to find the correct response. However, definitive answers are rare, leading you to become entangled in contemplating ideal scenarios instead of asking questions that could unveil a multitude of possibilities surpassing your wildest aspirations.

 Create your personal session with me today!

Call, Text, or email me today for a FREE consultation. 

Call (928) 856-9265 to schedule